Sunday, January 2, 2011

Snowshoe Winter

This is my favorite winter view.
Love the pine trees covered in snow, sun shinning.

Talena and I headed up Big Cottonwood Canyon 2 weekends in a row trying to make it up to Dog Lake.  Last week I was sick and we made it just over half way when there was no more trail and we were both too tired to go off breaking trail.  But the sun was shinning and it was a beautiful day so I couldn't complain too much.

At least we brought a really tasty lunch
This week we took a map and a navigator (her bro).  Despite our effort to not get lost we never made it to our destination.  We got started too late and ran out of daylight.  Oh and there was the little fact that it was FREEZING!  I couldn't feel my nose.  I could tell I was touching it, but I couldn't feel myself touching it.  Talena's feet were going to fall off (ok not really, but I am sure they were cold).  Ellie (Talena's sis) had cold hands and all the hand warmers they had with them expired in 2005.
I threw a little 2 year old tantrum for 30 seconds then we booked it back down to the trailhead, my Subaru and its amazing tushie toasters.
Even my hair froze
Cold, but we still smile.
Dog Lake we will be back another day to conquer you.

1 comment:

  1. Your frozen hair is pretty awesome! I love that you are such an adventurer. I miss you. Happy New Year!
