Friday, August 19, 2011

Checking it off...#7

Pre race

I like my number

Two weeks ago my friend Joni and I rode in the U.L.C.E.R (Utah Lake Century Epic Ride). This was my third time riding in the ULCER.  Three years ago I rode my first 100 mile ride at the ULCER and then I did it again two years ago. But last year I skipped the race because I had a lot of injuries and didn't have time to train. But the tradition is back in 2011.

Half way point

Joni and I rode the MS ride in June and during that 40 mile ride we came up with a genius idea that we would ride the ULCER together. This is the best idea we had. If it wasn't for Joni I would probably have given up and never rode in the race. We would get up by 6AM every Saturday to train. Mind you, I am not a morning person and every week I hated us for getting up that early. Until we got home and we had the entire left and we had beat the heat and then I loved us. I also love us, because now I can check off #7 from my yearly list.
The race was really fun and painful. We rode 60 miles. By mile 40 my knee was killing so the last 20 miles was not so fun. But we snacked and chatted which helped a lot. Joni is my favorite riding buddy. We help push each other but understand when one or both of us is having an off day. Love that girl.
Even though I have completed the bike race goal, Joni and I are still planning to ride together and I still have to keep training for my last Tri to complete #6. Wish me luck.

Oreo teeth

Orange teeth (I know we are dorks)

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm stuffed

As part of my goals this year I wanted to learn some new recipes.  Especially ones I could easily memorize and adjust based on what was in my fridge at the time. So this week I decided to stuff a few things. I made these simple stuffed bell peppers for dinner Sunday (FYI the sauce is the best part) and then sort of made these stuffed jalapenos for a BBQ today. I say sort of because as I started making the filling I realized I was only using 2 of the same ingredients and was adding a few of my own. So I can't vouch for this recipe as much as I can for the one I made up, but it was a yummy experiment.

I forgot to take a photo so here is theirs.

Oh and these jalapenos are from my garden.
Didn't get an after photo, but they looked awesome.