Monday, September 12, 2011

Spiral Jetty...does this count

Trying my hand at a couple HDR images
Proof I was by Hoopes
I finally went to the Spiral Jetty a few weeks ago. It has been unofficially and officially on my list for the past several years. But I am not sure if I can I really count it as visiting it when the jetty was completely covered with water? I think there were three stones visible above the water. So I'm half counting it, with the hopes that I return, but with the understanding that this busy girl may not have time before the snow falls.
Another HDR image...thoughts?
At least you don't have to see the spiral jetty to take some cool photos. My awesome friend and camera buddy Hoopes came with for what we decided would be our photo field trip. We rented a couple extra lenses from Pictureline and set out. Be warned, it does take a long time to get there, so don't be like us and get there a little late. You will want time to plan out photos and set up shots. Another tip is to take a jug of clean water to wash off your feet after wandering around in the water. Trust me you will thank me.
Sorry I got lazy and I only edited the HDR images. I am just learning about HDR and so I am not really sure how to do it best. Hopefully, I will play around with this some more. I hope you enjoy the photos and if I happen to return before winter I will post some more photos.

I like this slight angle, but what do you think?
I think editing would make this awesome
Playing around. Neither one of us had done this before, but had seen it done
My photo buddy being masterful with the camera/car tripod

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