Friday, October 23, 2009

The Red Light Inch

I was reminded this morning of an unexplainable phenomena...the red light inch. The red light inch is a situation in which a vehicle is stopped at a red light and yet the driver proceeds to inch their way forward.
Note: If you are stopped at a red light what good does it do to inch forward when the light is clearly still red. YOU CAN'T GO ANYWHERE! Does it some how make you feel better to think you are still moving. Do you have somewhere to be and you think by inching forward the light will recognize your urgency and miraculously change to allow you to get to that place 30 seconds earlier. You will soon have to stop anyway when you have realized your vehicle has crawled into the intersection and traffic in the opposite direction starts to honk at you for blocking the intersection while your light is clearly still red. Look around, no one else is going anywhere!
It has always annoyed me when I was a passenger and made me roll my eyes as the car next to you overanxious drivers. I can completely understand the roll if you can see the traffic light in the opposite direction has just turned red or even yellow, but when it is STILL GREEN what are you doing? Maybe You don't know that you can look at the opposite traffic light to indicate when your traffic light is about to change. In which case I considerable questions your lack or reason completely.
I'm not sure if one or all of these are true, but for heaven's sake and my driving sanity PLEASE STOP!

Thank you for your time. This has been a sanity message from the National Office of Real Exasperated Drivers. (aka NORED)

1 comment:

  1. I HATE the red light inch.
    One of the Salt Lake city bus drivers does it, and really, there's no gradual way to stop a bus, so it jerks you around every time he does it.. Drives me nuts!
