Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wow! What am I doing?

Ok so I have a blog.
I am feeling a little weird right now. Am I saying "My life is so interesting you should all read about it?" I suspect everyone feels this way on their first blog posting, but whoever said I was different from the “everyone.” I titled my blog “Life’s An Adventure” because #1 I couldn’t figure out how to shorten my life’s motto to fit onto my license plate, #2 I think if you have the right perspective everything in life can be an adventure, and #3 it is more interesting then Annie Blackham’s Blog.
So how this all came about. I have thought about this for a long time, but felt a little egotistical about starting a blog. I had personally never thought of my friends blogs as egotistical, but for some reason I felt like that is how I would come off. Anyway, my friend Jannifer's blog is one of the blogs I visit the most. I was reading her blog today and decided to tell her how much I loved it. She said that I should start one. I said "No, my life isn't adventurous enough for a blog." But here I am saying “Life’s an Adventure” and writing this telling you to read all about me. On top of my egotistical fears, I am also apprehensive because I just corrected my grammar from "right" to "write" and realized that everyone will be exposed to my horrible spelling and grammar. (Is that a run on sentence?) So if you can just imagine seeing a little 2 year old child who can hardly speak, but talks with that cute little kid voice. That is what you should think when you read these posting..."Isn't she so cute, misspelling write." If you do that we will all get along fabulously.
Well with that said (all blogs need a disclaimer) let’s get started.

P.S. Hopefully the title of this post “Wow! What am I doing?” will be used again, but just in a cooler setting.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Annie!! I can't wait to read more!

  2. You're awesome! I can't wait to hear more about you and your bf. :)

  3. That's my big (little) sister. way to go. Almost Army strong

  4. Way to go my big (little) sister. You are almost Army strong like me.
