Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moab Rain Clouds

Cody acting tough setting up the slackline

But really he is tough, standing up from a seated position

Rachelle is my new fav slackline buddy

My favorite move

I need a bumper sticker that says "Moab is my happy place." I went to Moab for the first time in college (if my memory serves me right which it usually doesn't, I don't think I went as a child). Now I go several times a year. I have even gone in the winter. Now that was interesting. What til you see the Colorado river frozen. About 5 years ago I took my first trip to Moab for climbing and now it has become an annual trip.
This year sadly, our trip was to be haunted by rain clouds, but that didn't stop us from having a ball (a great way of saying we had a lot of fun). We woke up Saturday morning planning to climb Castleton Towers. Instead we woke up to rain and soggy sleeping bags. Our climbing blues were soon soothed by the Love Muffin breakfast and a shopping trip to Pagan. We then set out to repel off Corona Arch. I'll fully admit, I am a pansy at heart. I really want to be tough, but I'm not. After scrambling up a steep sand stone slab I was on top of the arch knowing that my only way down was the 140 ft repel (going down the slab would have been more dangerous because of the exposure). Luckily, I have great friends who didn't mind if a four letter word slipped from my lips as I prepared to drop over the edge. I made it pass the edge then I was hanging freely in the air for my repel. As soon as I was off the arch I felt stupid of being scared.

Moab view on our way to Corona Arch

This might be where a few choice words slipped out

And I'm off

Mom! Look no hands
Can't get enough of the red rocks

But what would a climbing trip be without actual climbing. The storm held off long enough for us to do a couple climbs on Potash Rd. Too bad the darkness came too soon. With night came our awesome sleeping arrangements. My friend Sterling lives in Moab and so we crashed at his house, sort of. We actually crashed on the trampoline outside. Cody and I played guitars (me giving up really quickly) and everyone sang. You really grow together when you sleep on a tramp, mostly because you are eventually laying on top of each other. But that didn't last long, because bright and early Sunday morning the rains came again and we moved to picnic benches under a pavilion. Every plan we had for the day was instantly crush and we headed home shortly after breakfast vowing to come back in a few weeks to climb again.
This post couldn't come at a better time. I am heading to Moab this weekend hoping to finally tackle Castleton.

That's a big boy

Climbers pack it right

Adam rocking it

Wall Street (Potash Rd)

Cody - Redhead's do it better!

Oh we might have killed the battery rocking out to some tunes

Put your back into it!

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