Monday, September 27, 2010

Art #2 Patterns

My second design project (turning in tonight) was to take 2 items that naturally go together like sun & moon or bat & ball, etc and create a pattern using them. 

The rules:
  • Simple shapes
  • Recognizable form
  • Solid black shapes
  • Shapes must touch or overlap
  • Pattern built from shapes must touch or overlap
The process:
  1. Create a list of 20 items that go together
  2. Sketch (thumbnails) a few of my favorite ideas
  3. Take 1 or 2 ideas and start putting the items together and dabble with patterns
  4. Final design - A 10" x 15" sheet filled with a pattern
  5. Mount on mat board and present to class for critique
My design: (My thumbnails won't be shown here because really they are horrible.)
I came up with two designs I really loved, but in the end I am only turning in the second.

Tent & Fire

Treble & Bass Clef

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